The Trees for Wildlife™ program is committed to only planting native tree species at each of our events, which will help protect and restore the wild places that nurture life.
Trees sponsored by you are planted through the National Wildlife Federation's partnerships with schools, local government, and other non-profit organizations. The community-based groups listed below have planted and committed to care for these trees for years to come, benefiting the local communities and wildlife!
10/29/22 & 11/11/22
780 Trees
The Texas Conservation Alliance, the National Wildlife Federation’s state affiliate in Texas, hosted two community-based native tree giveaways in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. The first event was on the morning of 10/29/22 at the Laredo Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability (LCUAS) Community Garden where volunteers distributed native saplings with a planting guide and also provided a live demonstration on the best way to plant trees. The second event took place in the afternoon of 10/29/22 at the Starr County Fairgrounds where families received two trees, planting instructions and profiles of the tree that they received. The third event took place in Zapata on 11/11/22 where residents also received native trees along with a guide on How to Plant/Water/Care for Trees. 260 trees were distributed by the Texas A&M AgriLife Zapata County Extension Agent and Texas A&M Forest Service South Texas Regional Forester staff. Numerous partners were involved in these events along with Texas Conservation Alliance, including the Texas A&M Forest Service, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, LCUAS, and the City of Laredo.
1,000 Trees
In honor of Florida Arbor Day, the Wakulla County Garden Club held their 19th annual tree giveaway at the Wakulla County Extension complex in Crawfordville, FL. The National Wildlife Federation provided 1,000 native trees seedlings that were potted and cared for by the Wakulla County Garden Club, Florida Wildlife Federation and other partners to then distribute to residents. In addition to handing out the trees, all recipients had the opportunity to speak with a “tree advisor” to get information about their native tree species and how to best plant them at home. These native trees are helping the residents of Wakulla County recover from and replace the habitat that was lost due to the devastation of Hurricane Michael and native trees lost to development.
40,000 trees
Tennessee Tree Day 2023 engaged 21,706 volunteers in planting over 100,000 native trees in all 95 counties of Tennessee. The event was made possible by a partnership with the Tennessee Division of Forestry and 45 stakeholder groups including the National Wildlife Federation which provided 40,000 trees for distribution across 149 sites. Other notable stakeholders like UT Extensions, Tennessee State Parks, Stormwater groups, and various nonprofits and local businesses were enlisted to distribute trees in local communities. Across these events, the following tree species were planted: various native oaks and maples, tulip poplar, black cherry, Virginia pine, walnut, black cherry, buttonbush, flowering dogwood, persimmon, elderberry, eastern redbud and others.
10,000 Trees
Green Columbus is a volunteer-driven nonprofit seeking to improve equitable environmental outcomes for the people of Central Ohio. In April 2023, Green Columbus supported 4,500 community volunteers across 160 worksites and planted 72,000 native tree seedlings (10,000 of which were donated by the National Wildlife Federation). The worksites included schools, places of worship, parks, community gardens, ecosystem restoration sites, and more. Throughout the year, Green Columbus maintains two tree nurseries – the Linden Nursery and Hilltop Nursery – to help supply native trees and plants for community events.
831 Trees
For many years, the National Wildlife Federation has partnered with the Youth Environmental Alliance (YEA!) to plant and give away tree seedlings at schools and community events in Broward County, FL. YEA! provides fun and engaging programs that support youth and the community to preserve and protect Broward’s unique ecosystems and wildlife while engaging youth to take action toward achieving a more sustainable economy and better world for generations to come. In 2023, National Wildlife Federation’s Trees for Wildlife program donated 2,633 native trees that were distributed to the community for planting. Across these events, the following tree species were planted: black, white and red mangroves, Jamaican caper, coco plum, slash pine, thatch palm and Simpson stopper.
More than one-third of U.S. fish and wildlife species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. The National Wildlife Federation is on the ground in seven regions across the country, collaborating with 53 state and territory affiliates to reverse the crisis and ensure wildlife thrive.