
Join schools across the country who have been recognized for creating havens for wildlife that provide the essential elements for healthy and sustainable wildlife habitats. These schools have earned the distinction of being part of National Wildlife Federation's Certified Wildlife Habitat® program.

How do I know when I'm ready to certify my habitat project?

You are ready to certify after a team has been involved in planning and providing at least a few types of food, water, cover and places to raise young on your schoolgrounds, and when the site is being used as a teaching tool.

What are the benefits of certifying?

Certifying your site will bring media attention and national recognition for your school community's hard work. Also, once you are certified, you can enjoy the Schoolyard Habitats quarterly newsletter, and be eligible to order a Schoolyard Habitats sign for your outdoor classroom. Certification brings your school into a dynamic network of certified schools, and gives you access to special resources and information from the National Wildlife Federation. When National Wildlife Federation recognizes your garden as a Certified Schoolyard Habitat, it also gets counted towards the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge.

How many other people have certified their schoolgrounds?

More than 10,000 schools, representing thousands of students, parents, teachers, administrators and community members, are currently certified as official Schoolyard Habitats sites, representing 50 states and a few sites abroad.

How do I apply?

Simply use our online tool to complete your certification as a school. Within 4-8 weeks, you will hear from us regarding your certification. We look forward to learning about your project, and to welcoming you into the Schoolyard Habitats network.


Where We Work

More than one-third of U.S. fish and wildlife species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. The National Wildlife Federation is on the ground in seven regions across the country, collaborating with 53 state and territory affiliates to reverse the crisis and ensure wildlife thrive.

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